All travel events and other activities sponsored by National Bank of Middlebury and New Horizons are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who desire to participate.
National Bank of Middlebury and New Horizons, or agents and representatives act only as agents for the passenger in all matters pertaining to hotel accommodations, sightseeing tours, transportation and any other service related to the program, and hold themselves free of responsibility for any damages occasioned from any cause whatsoever.
National Bank of Middlebury and New Horizons will not be responsible for any damages or inconvenience caused by late arrivals, departures and change of schedule or other conditions, nor will they be responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time the passenger is not on board their conveyance. They are not liable for acts of God.
Reservation Policy
A Tour Agreement must be filled out for longer trips.
Completed registration forms along with deposits are required on trips longer than one day to ensure your place on New Horizons trips. Individual trip listings state that deposits are due within 5 business days of reservation. We are unable to hold a place without necessary deposits. Make your reservation early to avoid disappointment.
Cancellation Policy
Should it be necessary to cancel before any trip, we request as much notice as possible. A refund of your deposit, in full or in part, will be made if you cancel prior to the final
payment date and if:
- There is a waiting list of members and we can fill your vacancy.
- There are no cancellation penalties charged by our vendors.
If you cancel after the final payment date, any refund will be determined by the vendors and their penalty policies. If there is not a waiting list, it is your responsibility to resell your tickets. Cancellation insurance is available on all extended trips and is highly
recommended for travel.
Health Policy
All persons requiring assistance on New Horizons trips must be accompanied by a companion who is of, and totally responsible for providing that assistance. Neither New Horizons nor its suppliers may assist with medications nor physically lift persons onto transportation vehicles.
Travelers needing special assistance for other than personal needs must notify New Horizons when the reservation is made to determine what assistance may reasonably be made available.
New Horizons reserves the right to decline to accept any person as a tour passenger should such person’s health or mental condition or physical infirmity or general deportment impede or be deemed to impede the operation of the tour or the rights or welfare or enjoyment of other tour passengers. In the case that a person’s condition or behavior deteriorates while on tour and such person is dismissed from the tour, a refund of the unused land portion for tour services will be made, if possible.
New Horizons is constantly concerned for the well being of all members. A particular scheduled trip may be physically challenging or detrimental to a member’s health and stamina, therefore impeding the speed and quality of the activity. We reserve the right to determine the ability of any member to participate in any New Horizons activity. To best serve all New Horizons customers, a member’s participation is conditioned upon acceptance of this policy.
Trips are rated by their “walkability”, meaning how active a trip is. In order to judge your ability to keep up with the group a sneaker appears in the trip description. The number of sneakers in a trip indicates the degree of walkability.