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Loading Events
  • Date: July 10, 2024
  • Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Location: Marijke’s Perennial Gardens Plus 1299 Robert Young Rd.
    Starksboro, 05487
  • Cost: $45.00
  • Deposits: Payment due at time of registration
  • Walkability:
  • RSVP: RSVP here or call Kim at 802-388-1632 or email [email protected]

Are you looking to learn about succulents and explore more of your creative side? Join Marijke Niles, owner and creator of Marijke’s Perennial Gardens Plus, to learn all about succulents while having fun in creating your very own unique design. Marijke will provide all the potting mix and plants for your succulent display; you supply the planter (10 inches or less in diameter) and think creatively… maybe an old tea pot, kettle, colander, unique planter, cookie jar, a special family dish, hiking boots, old clay pot, wine goblet, nicknack – almost anything can be repurposed and it’s so satisfying to give it new life!

Refreshments are included: Iced tea, lemonade and Dutch treats from the Netherlands, Marijke’s home country! You can also enjoy the gardens after the workshop and make purchases for your own garden too.

Register now, class is limited to 12 participants!

RSVP here



succulents planted within a rock