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  • Date: August 28, 2024
  • Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Location: Marijke’s Perennial Gardens Plus 1299 Robert Young Rd.
    Starksboro, VT 05487
  • Cost: $18.00 includes garden tour, refreshments and homemade dutch treats
  • Deposits: Payment due at time of registration
  • Walkability:
  • RSVP: RSVP here or call Kim at 802-388-1632 or email [email protected]

Please join us for a fall garden tour in Marijke’s beautiful gardens! Gardens are indispensable to attract beautiful birds, bees, and butterflies. Fall gardens also serve migrating birds and butterflies to be well-fed for their journey. They give great joy to the gardener and visitors.  Learn about creating and overwintering tricks for plants and everything else alive in your garden. Bring your questions – Marijke loves to share her knowledge with you!

This tour will interest gardeners as well as non-gardening nature admirers. Come find out for yourself and enjoy this special guided tour for inspiring and valuable information on planting gardens that you can enjoy all season!

“Magical, inspirational, different, heavenly, whimsical, paradise, a wonderful community of plants, bees, birds, and animals” …are some of the comments of visitors to Marijke’s Perennial Gardens Plus, located in South Starksboro, Vermont.

Whether you are visiting her gardens for ideas, knowledge or are wanting to add to your own gardens, there is something for everyone. You can also purchase from a wide selection of hardy field-grown perennial plants, herbs, indoor succulents and much more.

Refreshments are included: Iced tea, lemonade and Dutch treats from the Netherlands, Marijke’s home country! You can also enjoy the gardens after the workshop and make purchases for your own garden.

Born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Marijke inherited the Dutch passion and traditions for gardening and nature. Marijke is a certified Vermont Extension Master Gardener and a Vermont Master Composter. She is the recipient of the 2012 Vermont Master Gardener of the Year Award. She is a member of the board of directors for the Vermont Nursery and Landscape Association, a member of the Vermont Flower Show committee and Central Display committee. Marijke is in high demand for talks and master classes.  Marijke is also an avid advocate of Art, Music and Dance. Her landscape focuses on color and beauty, creating stunning gardens in an incredible mountain setting.

RSVP here

Fall colchicum and euphiorbia   fall-helianthum plant with bee