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Loading Events
  • Date: November 16, 2024 - November 17, 2024
  • Time: 12:00am
  • Location: Orwell Glass 690 Route 73
    Orwell, VT 05760
  • Specific times: See event description for session times.
  • Cost: $50.00 per person
  • Deposits: Payment due at time of registration
  • Walkability:
  • RSVP: RSVP here or call Kim at 802-388-1632 or email [email protected]

The glassblowing experience is back again in time for the holidays!  New Horizons has partnered with John Chiles of Orwell Glass for an introductory lesson in glassblowing. Come try the art of glass, no experience necessary! John walks you step by step through the process of making an ornament of your very own. From applying color to the glass, heating your ornament and inflating it with air and yes, your air! You will experience firsthand the thrill of making hand blown glass art!  You can choose from a selection of bright colors and wide variety of graphite molds, which you also get to press into the hot glass to create your own suncatcher too.

Maybe you’re looking for gift ideas, we all have that one person that’s hard to buy for. Maybe you know someone that has a birthday or anniversary soon, this could be that very unique and special experience to share with them, what a fabulous keepsake and memory to have together!!

There will be four 90-minute sessions on Saturday, November 16 and Sunday, November 17. When registering, please let me know which day you prefer and which session from the choices below (providing a first and second choice is very helpful)

Session 1: 10:00 – 11:30

Session 2: 11:30 – 1:00

Session 3: 2:00- 3:30

Session 4: 3:30 – 5:00

Space is limited for this event. Please limit your reservation to one guest per customer.

RSVP here

different color glass blown balls hanging from ceiling      image of a dragonfly in glass suncatcher

glassblown balls and suncatchers placed in an annealing oven